New features
Grid 2.0 – preview
The first main feature of this release is the inclusion of Grid 2.0 -preview with better performance and stability. Users should use this tool to evaluate performance with a reduced Tool set in this version.
See here for the full list of information about this feature.
3D viewer - preview
The second main feature of this release of the Inventor CAD Add-in is support for exporting 3D geometry from Inventor to the Sovelia server for viewing in the HTML environment.
See here for the full list of information about this feature in the CAD Add-in and the HTML environment.
Enhanced clone functionality
The clone command can now be started from inside the grid by right clicking on a single item.
Within the Clone command itself there is now the support for manually naming the file to save to disk produced as part of the clone.
Mandatory field awareness
In the property card if a section is collapsed it is not obvious to see if it contains a mandatory field. The Property card below contains two mandatory fields but the section they are in has been minimised.
Upon trying to close the property card you are now warned by the sections expanding and a red outline around the mandatory field(s) displaying
* Searching type from property card shows filters results
Enhanced Features
Clone command skips item number
When using the clone command, the next Sovelia ID was not always used and sometimes Sovelia ID’s were skipped before the next ID was used for the clone. This has now been corrected and the next available Sovelia ID will always be used. This will reduce gaps in the Sovelia ID numbering.
Multiple monitor support enhanced
In some cases, the Property card was missing when multiple monitors where used. We have improved the support for users with multiple monitors.
Configuration changes
3D Export - New
New section added at the end of the file for Sovelia 3D Export
<Sovelia3DToleranceConfig DefaultValueId="2">
<ToleranceLevel Id="1" Name="Extra high" Value="0.0015625"/>
<ToleranceLevel Id="2" Name="High" Value="0.0062500"/>
<ToleranceLevel Id="3" Name="Normal" Value="0.0250000"/>
<ToleranceLevel Id="4" Name="Medium" Value="0.1000000"/>
<ToleranceLevel Id="5" Name="Low" Value="0.4000000"/>
Send BOM - Update
By default, the Publish function does not include the <PreAction> of Send BOM <PreAction Id="SoveliaEngineeringSendBOMAction">.
To Send the Bom to Sovelia either, use the Send Bom button in the Sovelia Ribbon or add the <PreAction> Send Bom function into the Configuration for Publish.
Promote still included the code to Send BOM to Sovelia so you can use it as an example code to copy to the Publish section.
Property Update - Update
To speed up loading of Inventor with the Sovelia CAD Add-in loaded, On open of a model or drawing the property update is now NOT run automatically.