Increase workflow efficiency transferring data seamlessly between different engineering solutions, reducing the need for manual work, and minimizing disruptions in the workflow.
Unlock seamless connectivity with our comprehensive suite of PDM-PLM integration solutions. Sovelia Connect tools deliver robust, reliable, and secure integrations. Streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and drive growth with user-friendly interfaces and cutting-edge technology. transferring data seamlessly between different engineering solutions, reducing the need for manual work, and minimizing disruptions in the workflow. automating data transfer, allowing users to focus on more productive tasks rather than administrative data management. automating data transfer, which minimizes the risk of human error and ensures data consistency across different platforms. seamlessly sharing data between different engineering tools which fosters better collaboration among team members, as the entire team can access and work with the same data set using the most appropriate platform for their specific roles.
...with industry standards and regulations by maintaining accurate and timely records, simplifying reporting processes, and ensuring best practices are routine.
Sovelia Connect - Vault to Fusion Manage automates bi-directional connectivity between Autodesk Vault Professional and Fusion Manage.
By automating the publishing of design data from Vault to Fusion Manage.
integrate Vault PDM functionality as part of a managed set of Autodesk Fusion Manage business processes.
Support for the current and the two previous releases of Vault Professional.
Outbound: Add the publish to Fusion Manage trigger on Vault File (or Item Master) lifecycle state changes.
Inbound: Fusion Manage Item Workflow State changes can trigger actions within Vault.
Configure rules to create items in Fusion Manage from an equivalent file in Vault.
Configure rules to create files or folders within Vault from within Fusion Manage.
Bidirectional property mappings ensure that property and field data are synchronized between platforms.
Automate the upload of the original file or any linked secondary file formats to the equivalent item in Fusion Manage.
Copy the engineering BOM data from Vault to Fusion Manage. Transfer all BOM properties including quantities and units of measure to the Fusion Manage BOM.
As an item moves through its workflow the connector can change the state of its equivalent file in its Vault lifecycle. For example, releasing a file if its equivalent item has been approved for manufacture.
After publishing, the connector can trigger further actions to be carried out on the updated item such as automatically releasing it or creating a distributed approval list.
Works seamlessly with other Sovelia products including Sovelia Vault.
This connector "Solidworks PDM Professional to Autodesk Fusion Manage" is not released yet but will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates!