Sovelia Inventor 25.2 Release News

Sovelia Inventor 2025.2 includes improvements based on customer feedback, such as editing the BOM structure in the property editor. This version also includes necessary enhancements to support the improved SSO (Single Sign-On).

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Edit BOM Structure in Property Editor

To simplify file management, you can now modify BOM (Bill of Materials) structures directly from the Property Editor.

Edit BOM Structure in property editor - Sovelia Inventor

Edit BOM Structure in Property Editor Sovelia Inventor


File Name Generator

When launching Inventor with Sovelia Inventor, you can configure the required "File Name Setup" via a dropdown menu in the ribbon.

File Name setup Sovelia Inventor

If Vault is installed with Inventor, the system will attempt to log in to retrieve numbering schemes. A new dialog will then appear, allowing you to configure file naming using four options as described below:

Configure file name in Sovelia Inventor

1. This is the "old" standard method to set up the file naming for Sovelia components.

  • From the components menu

File Name setup components menu Sovelia Inventor

2. This is to use the Sovelia Inventor file name generator for Sovelia components file naming.

  • The behavior is set up in the "Caditinventor.ini" file.

3. If you have Vault Professional you can select a numbering scheme from Vault for Sovelia components file naming.

4. If you want the Sovelia Inventor filename generator to run on all new files you select this option.

  • The behavior is set up in the "Caditinventor.ini" file.

See Sovelia Help for setup: Sovelia Inventor General Tools


Other fixes and improvements

Added: Setting for base view orientation in Draw Plates

  • In Cadit Draw Plates.ini :
    ;Base view orientation for plates other than sheet metal: Front, Top or Auto. Default Auto.

Changed: SSO licensing component

  • You will now get a new window when logging in and the new SSO from Symetri is supported.

Symetri SSO login Sovelia Inventor

Sovelia Vault 2025.2 Release News

09 February 2025

The Sovelia Vault 2025.2 update is a minor release, focusing on small improvements while development continues for the next major version. This update enhances license and login efficiency, introduces STL file generation with model state support, and brings updates to property card functionality. Additionally, several issues have been fixed to improve overall stability and performance.