Explore quickly and easily
...various design possibilities
Boost your productivity in Autodesk Inventor. Tailored for UK and Ireland.
...various design possibilities
...for all the end user.
...and improve work flow process.
... and save production costs.
The Sovelia Toolkit for Inventor is a series of utilities built right into a custom ribbon for Autodesk Inventor. The tools extend the capabilities of Inventor in various key areas. They are easy to use and enable significant productivity gains for Inventor users. Working in Inventor becomes easier, more efficient and produces more in less time.
Supports Autodesk Inventor 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
The Export suite of tools can quickly and easily share your design intent. Automatic publishing of various commonly used file formats can be configured. Files types such as Step, Sat, DXF and PDF as well as many others can be saved to predetermined locations when a model or drawing is saved. The Pack and Go tool works specifically on the active model or drawing. Using the Enhance Save-As function will copy a drawing and any associated models, rename and critically maintain the model/drawing relationship. Other tools such as Export BOM enhance the generation of an assembly bill of material.
Set Properties enhances and simplifies the action of adding property data to both models and drawings. A configurable dialogue can be created to only show required Property fields. This can be set to automatically show when a model or drawing is first saved. Predefined lists and tabulated pages can be added to further enhance data input. Other features include mandatory fields, copying data between files and creating custom properties.
For customers using Autodesk Vault to manage their data, a much needed tool has been provided. Check Vault Workspace will compare the users local workspace with the vault and list any model or drawing files that have never been added to the vault.
Tools are available to enhance the existing Inventor toolkit. Intersections provides origin edge sketch lines at the press of a button. Part derives can be easily controlled using Copy Replace & Change Derived Reference. The assembly tools such as MidMate add the much needed ability to constrain parts based on a mid plane rather than a face. Copy With Constraints adds the ability to copy an assembly component and place it pre-constrained to a selected position.
High level configuration of various Inventor background tasks can be controlled. Custom iProperties can be automatically added to parts and assemblies with values such as the mass or the scale added to a drawing view. The file name can be automatically populated based on existing property data such as part number and revision.
This tool set includes advanced tools to control the selection of components within the Assembly model environment and features in the Part environment. Assembly Filtering quickly creates and maintains view representations based on predefined Properties. Using the Replay Part function controls the end of part marker within the browser, quickly suppressing features.
The View tools make quick work of toggling the visibility of various useful modelling functions. Workplane Filter toggles the visibility of a user defined selection of workplanes. Similar tools are Sketch Filter, Surface Filter and Axis Filter. Other useful modelling features such as the Centre of Gravity and Solid Body visibility are easily controlled. Model appearance clarity can be enhanced using the Colourise and Toggle Edges. Within a drawing layers can be easily controlled with Isolate, Hide and Show all
Annotation tools have been designed to speed up the generation of drawings. Dimensions can quickly become orphaned or out of alignment when modifications are made to a model. Using the Centre Dim Text and Delete Orphaned quickly remedies this for an entire sheet.