Sovelia Vault

How can you automate Autodesk Vault without being a coder?

Why do we use lifecycle states in Autodesk Vault? Because we want to track where in the process our design is, in line with our business process, and allow others access to those designs at the right time.

Typically our state change indicates that other functions need to happen, such as translations, notifications, and general information distribution to all required stakeholders. Often an admin overhead that impacts our time available for innovation, Autodesk Vault can be customised to automatically trigger and take care of these mundane tasks for you.

The only problem is, you have to be a coder to put these in place and, once in place, further code change may be needed when your processes need to change.

Sovelia Vault offers the best of both worlds; A configurable add in to Autodesk Vault that any competent administrator can adjust and use. It offers the automation to recover that design time, but without the shackles of holding you back when your processes evolve.

See Symetri consultant Graham Harrison walk through Sovelia Vault and how it can really benefit you - no coder skills needed to automate and configure your Autodesk Vault.

Automate repeated design tasks

28 May 2024

Often, over half of designers' working time is spent on repetitive manual tasks. Design processes become more efficient by reducing or eliminating these time-consuming tasks, freeing up time for more essential work. Read more about what design automation is and what benefits it brings to the company.

[EBOOK] Automate and save time with design automation

28 May 2024

Are repeated manual tasks taking up a lot of your product design time? Often, over half of designers' time is spent on repetitive tasks that add little value to the final product. Instead of struggling with tight project schedules or hiring more personnel, consider how design automation can streamline your processes.