Sovelia Configurator 9.7 Release News

We are excited to announce the release of Sovelia Configurator 9.7, packed with new features and improvements to enhance your product configuration experience. This version brings new features especially for users who prefer to use 2D views in their work. You now have multiple options to view 2D information within your 3D model view so check out these new features and choose your favorite method.

Contact us to upgrade and as always, we would love to hear your feedback!

Improved 2D configurator view

In the previous version, we introduced the 2D view for product configuration, making it easier to interpret and create the desired configuration. You can still get the full experience of the 3D configuration but in a simpler visual window. In this version, you can view the 2D report pane on top of your 3D view. The 2D report view updates dynamically as you work on your 3D model. Now you can easily see the 2D view on top of your 3D model if this is the way you prefer to configure your offering. This feature is particularly useful for tasks like understanding floor layouts or adding holes, where a 2D perspective might be clearer.

2D view on top of 3D view in Sovelia Configurator 9.7

Image: View 2D report view on top of 3D view


Export 2D design to SVG image

Responding to a customer request, you can now export any 2D configuration to an SVG image format. This makes it easy for you to add high-quality SVG images to reports or other documents.


Draw 2D images to HTML reports

You can now use the Draw -command to create 2D images to HTML reports. This new feature allows you to quickly create instructional images that need to include basic data like dimensions, adding clarity and usefulness to your reports.

Draw 2D images to HTML reports Sovelia Configurator 9.7

 Image: Draw 2D images to HTML reports


Project 2D drawings to 3D view

Sovelia Configurator now supports projecting 2D drawings to the 3D view. You can add annotation or other drawing-based information on top of your 3D model. This feature is especially helpful for visualizing details like the width and length of an object right in the 3D model view. This is the first preview of the feature and we welcome your feedback!

Project 2D drawings to 3D view Sovelia Configurator 9.7

 Image: Project 2D drawings to 3D view


Draw a PNG/JPEG image to 2D view

Now it is possible to add a PNG or JPEG image to the 2D view. Just use the Image2D command to add your image to the 2D report. This functionality makes it easy to enhance your 2D reports with relevant images.

Add image to 2D view in Sovelia Configurator 9.7

Image: Add a PNG/JPEG image to 2D view


Expand images on lists

Images in configuration lists are small which can make it difficult to distinguish between them. Sovelia Configurator 9.7 has a new image expander feature that lets you enlarge the image easily within the same view.


Contact us to upgrade your Sovelia Configurator to this latest version!


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Sovelia Inventor 25.2 Release News

19 December 2024

Sovelia Inventor 2025.2 includes improvements based on customer feedback, such as editing the BOM structure in the property editor. This version also includes necessary enhancements to support the improved SSO (Single Sign-On).