Sovelia blog

Automate repeted design tasks with design automation

Often, over half of designers' working time is spent on repetitive manual tasks. Design processes become more efficient by reducing or eliminating these time-consuming tasks, freeing up time for more essential work. Read more about what design automation is and what benefits it brings to the company.

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[Ebook} Automate and save time with design automation

Are repeated manual tasks taking up a lot of your product design time? Often, over half of designers' time is spent on repetitive tasks that add little value to the final product. Instead of struggling with tight project schedules or hiring more personnel, consider how design automation can streamline your processes.

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Design data challenges in Vault: From manual workflows to automation

If you are an Autodesk Vault user in the mechanical engineering and manufacturing industry, you are likely familiar with the challenges of managing design data. While Vault provides a solid foundation for storing and organizing design data, it falls short in some critical areas. You might have noticed this if you ever wanted to automate workflows or configure company-specific rules and processes in Vault. Let’s dive into these challenges and possible solutions. 

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8 tips to work smarter in Autodesk Inventor

Are you using Autodesk Inventor but wish to improve your productivity even more? Do you find yourself manually generating PDF files or creating drawings one by one? If so, you’re not alone. Many users face similar challenges when working with Autodesk Inventor, but there are solutions available to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Read these eight tips to help you work smarter in Autodesk Inventor.

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Why should you integrate PDM with ERP?

Manufacturing companies today are constantly seeking ways to increase efficiency and improve processes in their operations. One way to achieve success is by integrating two important systems: Product Data Management (PDM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). By connecting these systems, companies can achieve a range of benefits that can make a significant difference in both business processes and outcomes.

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Three main goals of integrated PLM

29 November 2021

Whilst the role of PLM is about information, how it is produced and handled, disseminated and shared, its goals have an impact on the whole business of any company engaged in its practices. What is most important when considering and looking at a PLM system?

How can you automate Autodesk Vault without being a coder?

12 October 2021

Autodesk Vault can be customised to automatically trigger and take care of some mundane tasks for you. The only problem is, you have to be a coder to put these in place and, once in place, further code change may be needed when your processes need to change. Sovelia Vault offers a configurable add in to Autodesk Vault that any competent administrator can adjust and use.

How do you guarantee transformation of the correct data from your design environment to PLM?

08 September 2021

When you look at all PLM systems one of the fundamental issues they face is getting the correct, good quality data into the PLM system in the first place. “Crap in, Crap out” is a phrase that has been used to describe this problem whenever talking about transferring information from one system to another. How do you guarantee the correct information is transferred from your design environment to PLM?

Installed base management (What did we deliver)

18 August 2021

Installed base is the Sovelia Core template that takes a standard Bill of materials and makes it unique for every product that is delivered. You can categorize according to the service requirements, including possible spare parts or maintenance services.

Order fulfilment support

11 August 2021

From identifying long lead items early on in the project to assembly documentation, Sovelia Core can help fulfill all of your needs. The ability to access the right information, at the right time in the process by the right person should be fundamental to the solution we provide or that our customers expect.

Sales order configuration

04 August 2021

Sales configuration offers the logic and questions to generate a specific bill of materials or collection of parts. There is no other way of generating this solution.

Supplier Collaboration with Sovelia Core extranet

28 July 2021

The role of the Sovelia Core Extranet is two fold; to collaborate both with members of the organisation and the members of the supply chain outside of the company firewall. It provides a safe and robust way to collaborate and distribute information with external parties.